my first new born baby shoot. that too with baby x 2!both awake. crying.one asleep. one awake. quiet.the cutest teeny, tiny sisters!here is a sneak peek for elizabeth. thanks so much for letting me take pictures of your precious babies!
while catching up on proofing client sessions, i haven’t had a chance to take pictures of my little man. so here are some token pictures of him (well, one) from our playgroup this week in our renovated, lovely backyard. he dressed himself in the morning as i was shooting some pictures for a client in […]
Everyone has a story. -Neil LaButea tall story.a short story.a sob story.a suspense story.a happy-ending story. a cock and bull story.a hard-luck story.an old story.the same old story.a cover story.a news story.a Christmas story.a holiday story. or just about any other story. welcome to my blog of photo stories! please feel free to stop by […]