It has been quite a while since I posted anything on the blog! Thought I would share a few images from a mother/daughter San Francisco portrait session to celebrate the upcoming Mother’s day! Most often mom’s don’t get into the picture and find a myriad of excuses not to. I am guilty of it myself. I know from personal experience how much I adore old photographs of my mom and me. I imagine your child will too. I try to get mom’s to be in at least a few photos even if the focus for the session is on the child. A while back there was a wonderful article by Allison Tate called, “The Mother stays in the picture.” It talks about the importance of mothers being in photos and making an effort to do so for the sake of their kids. Click the link to check out Allison’s words of wisdom.
Once my schedule gets a bit less hectic, I am hoping to offer some sessions that will focus on mom’s and kids. If you are interested please be sure to drop me a line through the contact form.




by alpana
Sneha - That reminds me, my kiddy pictures hardly have my mum 🙁