I met my lovely friend Laurie and her boys for a family session in Tampa Bay. Laurie and I worked together many moons ago at a direct marketing firm in Peoria, Illinois. Laurie is a writer and teaches creative writing at University of Central Florida. The last time we saw each other my now husband and I were driving cross country from Chicago to San Francisco with my little Toyota hauling a trailer. We got to see Laurie, her husband and their oldest son who is now a teenager. At that time, he was just a wee little baby. Her family has grown since and she has two more boys. It was such a joy to spend time with Laurie and photograph her sweet family!
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by alpana
Jayme F - These are absolutely beautiful and soulful. Loved looking at every single one!
Yvonne - Beautiful. You can tell this family has a lot of fun together.
Lina - Beautiful, and so sweet. Love it!
Clarice - These family shots are awesome!
Christy Johnson - What a beautiful story these images tell. Beautiful!
alej keigan - so gorgeous and airy – beautiful shots of a beautiful family!
Heather Puett - These are great. Looks like a lot of fun!