A few days back I had shared a little about meting Don Foster. Don Foster has been battling a rare form of pancreatic cancer with his wife Karen by his side. Recently, he sent me a couple of newspaper articles with more of his story here and here. Don has been in a clinical trial at Stanford University Medical Center which helped the tumor in his pancreas to shrink by 50% following which he underwent an intensive surgery to free his pancreas of cancer. However, he still has tumors on his liver that require treatment on an ongoing basis.
My thoughts are with my friend Kerry who was the inspiration behind this photo session. She is hosting an event to release purple balloons on June 23rd to raise awareness of this silent killer. If you can please support the event and/or donate a small amount to PCUK (Pancreatic Cancer UK) or PANCAN (Pancreatic Cancer Action Network).
by alpana
Yvonne - Beautiful images and so touching.
Lina - Beautiful, and so sweet. Good luck on this journey to him and his family.