When I first met Don and his sweet wife Karen, I knew right away that they are pretty special people. Don thanked me sincerely several times for my time in doing their photo session. I have photographed several charity sessions but this has to be the one that touched my heart. I have to say the privilege was all mine. I was doing this photo session to honor my friend Kerry’s husband Noel that passed away with pancreatic cancer. I had offered to do a fund-raiser for Kerry, however she asked me to donate a photo session to a family with a loved one with pancreatic cancer. Through her connections at the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, I was put in touch with Don for the photo session. And it couldn’t have been for a better person.
When you meet Don you can hardly tell he is a sick man. He has a positive attitude attitude and an amazing personality. Don has a rare form of pancreatic cancer that is inoperable since it has metastasized to his liver. He has been undergoing treatment at Stanford for the past few years and been responding to it. Please do keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a positive outcome and continued response to the treatment. Also, please check out the PANCAN at the link above to support them and bring awareness to their work.
Here is a little preview from our time together. There will be more to share along with his story once I have a chance to process the images.