I just got these beauties in recently and thought I would share some photographs that I took of them. I am not quite the product photographer but thought I’d recruit my new adored chairs as props. Not sure what, but something made me reflect back on my old advertising days as I took pictures of the Family Storybook Album. I thought about the various commercial photographers I had an opportunity to work with in my former life as an art director. Farrok Chotia is one of them and an amazing fashion photographer based in Mumbai. And one of the most influential individuals I worked with for a short but memorable period was Elsie Nanji at Ambience Advertising. I had been hired as a junior art director by her and had an opportunity to come to the US for my Masters. I ended up coming to the US but sometimes wonder what path my life would have taken had I stayed there. Nonetheless, I feel fortunate about my advertising background which has helped me provide a unique end product for my portraiture clients.
On a recent flight back from Chicago, I was reading the Delta in flight magazine which featured various advertising agencies and also a write up about the Emmy nominated show “Mad Men.” If you haven’t watched it, tune in and check it out. I am so hooked to that show! One of the articles in the magazine featured an interview with Lynn Power, the President of Arnold NYC. When asked how do successful brands stand out, she says, “Don’t try to manufacture coolness or try to be hip; consumers can see through that. Just try to be true to who you are, understand your DNA and make it relevant to people today.” I so love that. I hope to continue doing what I do and stay true to what I do as I build my brand and grow my business. My wonderful clients inspire me in every way possible and I want to thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your lives!
Family Storybook Album with an assortment of images from a session

… and a lovely Storybox with digital files and prints