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seven | san francisco kids photographer


my birthday boy.

There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise.
– storypeople

Anu - He is beautiful. I love “dipping his bread in tea”…must remember to pass that on to my kid. I know I loved doing that as a kid growing up in India.

ChelleL - Happy Birthday! He’s such a handsome young man. I could have written that same list for my 7 year old boy — they love the same things.

Julie - What a gorgeous guy you have there! Love this portrait! Happy birthday to him!

Jane Eaton Hamilton - That is such a perfect image! Just beautiful. I love the likes, too.

alpana - aw, thanks for the comments and the wishes Anu, Michelle, Julie and Jane!

Anu, Nothing like toast with chai and dipping your bread in it!