Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s day! In celebration of the day, I thought I would share some old pictures of my beautiful mom. The one on the left is a classic studio picture that will stay forever timeless. The one to the right is one of my mom and most likely my sister.

My husband had to work so my son and I spent our day relaxing and hanging out at home. We baked pancakes and ate Chicken Tikka Masala from our favorite Indian take out in the evening. He brought home a lovely card for me from school. For my present, he thought we should make a trip out to Toys R us and pick something for me (um, him). Don’t ya love the simple mind of a six year old?

by alpana
Anna-Karin - I love seeing old photographs, especially ones like these that shows the tradition from your heritage. What I mean is the beautiful Sari that she is wearing. Gorgeous!
ashley - Those old images are just gorgeous! How beautiful.