Okay, I said I would share a few things that I love so here goes…
Last week, I stopped by my client’s home to take a few pictures of their display wall. Isn’t it lovely? I am no architectural photographer but hopefully these are enough to showcase the space. When I work with clients, they have access to some wonderful tools to help them put together their own display walls but nothing like coming up with your own unique display. When I first saw it I thought it was so neat that Pam had carefully crafted a whole mix of frames in different shapes and sizes with photographs old and new. There is history shared with family photos of grandparents in their younger days and more recent photos of their kids as well. Besides, I just adore the color palette of the two rooms which works really well with the mid-century modern furniture.

by alpana
shipra - ooh, me too. That color palette is gorgeous – very dramatic. I agree, I like the look of a very eclectic display of frames & photographs. It makes for a very welcoming and personal room.