About time I updated my poor neglected blog! I took some time off in the last couple months to take care of my health, family and some behind the scenes work for Storybox Art. When you have your own business, it seems like you are always working. In trying to keep up, I haven’t had the best work + life balance and my hope is that in the next few months I will find a better solution. ha, the operative word here is hope!
Lots of exciting ideas and a new look and feel will be unveiled in the next few months. Also, I will have posts sharing what I find inspiring (photography or otherwise) and sponsor giveaways of cool products. Be sure to stay tuned in and fan my Facebook page for news as well.
And back to my toothless wonder… Yep, he lost two of his front teeth. Finally! It took forever for those two wriggly teeth to fall out. Poor kid swallowed one in his sleep a few days back and got gypped by the tooth fairy. The 2nd one dangled precariously for days on end. But, not to be gypped twice he pulled it out this morning. In honor of his lost tooth we decided on a spontaneous mini-shoot and to document proof for the fairy to bring back some goodies.

by alpana
anya - He is gorgeous without his two front teeth! I LOVE his letter to the tooth fairy.
Annie - These are gorgeous, Alpana. I especially love the first two. That spilled light is lovely!
shipra - awww, that letter is adorable. And um….yikes, he’s a stunner! I love that pouty look with the fistful of wildflowers.
Dipti - WOW! What a beautiful child! You just get lost in those gorgeous eyes of his!!