where we ended up with unexpectedly sunny weather on a supposedly cloudy day for a family photography session for the C family. Not so unusual for San Francisco, eh? Made for an interesting shoot aka shooting in full sun on the beach. But hey, after the streak of wet weather and reschedules it has been nice to have a spot of sun in the bay area. After our fun in the sun we headed to Bi-rite, the ice cream shop in Noe Valley for a few more pictures that I haven’t gotten to yet. Meanwhile, here is a sneak peek for the C family. Check out the gorgeous girlie that just couldn’t stop smiling!

by alpana
kelly - What gorgeous tones in your photos! Love the one with the kite! So deliciously vintagey.
Hazel B - i love the texture in the beach shot with the bridge in the back! great photos!
Gwenn - What beautiful pictures. I love the lighting used in your pictures.
brenda - gorgeous pictures! Your family is beautiful 🙂
michelle - Very cute family pic of with the golden gate bridge in the background.
shipra - Full sun???!!! You rocked that sun! I love the whole feel of that first image – it’s full of vitality. A truly beautiful portrait.