On Sunday afternoon, I spent a couple of hours with this dad and his two boys around their Montclair home capturing their special bond. In the photo below, I love that I snapped the moment when they were all wrapped around each other as the boys clowned around while getting into a “pose.” Most often, my favorite photos are real moments like these that happen between the posed photos.

by alpana
Maya - Hey Alpana … visited your blog after ages. Your images are so uplifting .. as always 🙂
TaraMc - Beautiful work! I love the honest expressions you captured. What a great connection with your subjects.
Amber - How fun! These are sweet, and the kids are just adorable!
Lori Wood Habiger - I really love the angle, textures and light in the family portrait – not to mention amazing emotional connection you’ve captured there.
mollie - i love these- what a lucky dad and such happy boys!!
Jennifer - Oh wow – these are just beautiful! (as always)
marie - such a sweet moment you caught.
Anna-Karin - Awhh that first image one warms my heart. It really shows their tender love they have for each other and how those boys love their dad and that dad loves his boys.
Beautiful family!
Julie - These are so wonderful!! Love them (that first one is just perfect!!)
Leanne Doble - Your work is so real..really special!
Great angles and great connections.
gillian crane - Love your work! Love your product shots! Sorry I haven’t said hello before, I’m in that flickr group w/ you, but don’t get on there as much as i’d like. ok, keep up the fabulous work!!!