I knew a man in college who grew up in the inner city of Chicago & what he was doing in Iowa I never did figure out. But whenever he would see a jet trailing across the sky, he would stop everything he was doing & he would watch. Once, after a jet was gone & there was nothing left but the white line disappearing like a scar into the blue, he turned to me & said, An airplane is a miracle & I didn’t give it much thought, but now & then, when I am ready to give up hope for human beings in general, & for one or two of them who are bugging me specifically, I will look to the sky & there will be one of those miracles & I will remember it’s all about concentrating on the right thing.
~ The Storypeople
I am still pretty numb from the news. Got some sad news about a friend today and it has stayed with me through the day. She was diagnosed with Cancer. I don’t know all the details but the cancer has affected many areas of her body including her stomach and intestines. We met online along with with several other women in our journey of trying to have a baby. Since, we have become an international community of close friends that have stayed in touch, supported each other through good times and bad, partied and hugged each other many, many times.
She has three little kids and a wonderful husband. One of the strongest women I have met and never afraid to speak her mind even with an opposing viewpoint. A good hearted person that takes the time to know you. The real you. There is so much depth to her and now she is facing one of the biggest battles in her life. I know she can fight this awful disease. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. If you have any inspirational words or quotes please feel free to post them under comments. I love the Storypeople quote above resonates that hope is never to be lost.
by alpana
Leah - I love this Alpana. IT’s beautiful. I’ll be sure to think of it often. My life would be so different without our group. It’s enriched because each person and child has touched me in different ways. Kathy once sent me a sign that says Praise The Lord and it’s hanging above my door. I think of her and remember to pray now and I won’t quit.
Shelly - Alpana, I too believe she will fight and if anyone can overcome such news it is Kathy. She IS a fighter and will fight as hard as she has to. Your words are very moving and I love the Story people message.
Lynda - That message is wonderful Alpana. Miracles do happen and I believe Kathy will be our miracle. Constant prayers for Kathy.