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orange | san francisco family photographer


I have a thing for the color orange and just love it as a part of my living space. You might have seen the orange wall in our current home. For our new home, I wanted to keep the colors muted and I thought I’d have to give up the orange. With my color indecision, I decided to hire a color consultant and it was one of the best decisions I made. The consultant, Moira was able to quickly ascertain my taste and come up with a fresh and modern color palette. I just love the orange she picked and wold love to have it in every room 🙂 You can find Moira at She is a true gem and worth every penny.

An update on our move. It is going pretty well after hitting a few glitches that slowed down the process. The floors are being installed as I write this, the walls getting painted so a lot going on. And I am hoping that we will finally be able to move next week.

I know many of you, my dear clients are patiently waiting for your proofs. If you check out the pictures below you can see the craziness that has been my life. I really appreciate your patience and hope to get to them after our move.

yep, the floor is somewhere underneath

the orange wall…

Mrs. Fun -
there is a blog you may love if you love orange as i do. you may already know about this blog but if you didn’t you do now. and if you did then you did 🙂

alpana - thanks for sharing the blog link. Love it!

marie - can’t wait to see the finished product!!