I first met Mommy R online several years back while on my quest to have a baby. She visited the bay area when I was preggo with R and we got to meet in person. We stayed in touch off and on and then reconnected more recently on Facebook. She emailed me recently to say that she was joining her husband on his work trip to the bay area to have a photo session with me. Heh, I am sure she was kidding!! After all who can resist coming out to the bay area? But it doesn’t hurt to have that kind of compliment. And with that pressure I sure hope they like their sneak peek here and the photos.
I convinced her to book a family session instead of a kids only session and get in on the action. A session in itself is an investment and for a little more you can get to be in pictures which you probably will never take of yourself otherwise.
I wanted this session to be really special for R’s family for having put their faith in me and coming all the way from Texas. I stressed about the location as usual and eventually everything worked out. She even went along with my suggestions of getting some cute outfits for the kids from the Tea Collection. Now, I think she is hooked on their clothes too.
Her adorable twins warmed up to me pretty quickly and we had a lot of fun together mostly with me just hanging out watching them play. The funny thing is that her little guy K could almost be my son’s twin. He has the same twinkle in his eyes and crazy boy energy! It is the twin’s birthday today so I wanted to post the sneak peek for them to enjoy! Happy Birthday K + K!!

by alpana
amy boring - What a fun happy session. Beautiful kiddos.
Texas Mommy R - The sneak peek teaser is torture – can’t wait to see the rest! You rock, did you know that?! and I already miss your beautiful boy, wish we could have spent more time with him. Any chance you can take him out of school tomorrow to play with us?! LOL!
Amber - Gorgeous family, looks like a fun session!
Alyssa Anne - These are just beautiful…how will they choose?!
Aseel - Great set!!! You can really tell they were having a fun session. Gorgeous kids.
Deanna - what a GREAT session!!!!!!! i can see how much you and your clients had together! Wonderful work!
Suchitra chander - Lovely shots, the family looks so lively. No wonder the kids were wiped when I saw them for dinner that night, I hadn’t seen them for 2-3 years and they were tuckered out with the long shoot, expended lots of energy. Glad the pics captured their energy so nicely.
ashley - Wonderful session! Beautiful family and gorgeous images;)
Alex - Looks like this was a really fun session, love these shots Alpana 😉
Paddy - Hi Alpana,
So good to hear about you again. R and I have kept in touch and we met finally in India. Great pictures!!!
Christine - How funny! Before reading your post–I was just thinking–that little boy MUST be related to your R. Great set! What fun for them!
Malathi - Alpana
those are great pictures of K&K. I haven’t met them. R – they look like real fun kids. Happy 5th b’day to them!
Deepa Ramani - Raji, You’re a major babe! You look fantastic! The photos are awesome. Everyone’s laughing, looks SO natural! Give me the photographer’s contact info and all, and I’d love to book something in september (we go to CA every September). Deepa