I had no idea that little people could be such effective actors let alone pull off an amazing production. We recently experienced the wonder through my son’s K/1 class play called “The Great Kapok Tree”. This really is an ode to the wonderful teachers that were largely responsible for making the play a huge success. The school itself has been amazing in helping build my son’s confidence from being a shy little guy (in groups anyway…and at home it is a different story) to this brave kid that was able to deliver his lines on stage in front of an audience. He started out by telling me that he had stage fright and it took him a bit to dial up the volume on his lines. The teacher did this amazing thing telling the kids that they had to give each other courage to remember their parts for the play. Here are a couple of fun clips…the little guy on the left in the Monkey Costume is mine 🙂
Monkey Song from Alpana Aras on Vimeo.
the delivery from Alpana Aras on Vimeo.
The kids were also given their first “homework” assignment of crafting out a play project. Rowan decided to do a monkey project that he worked on with his dad. I was pretty impressed with the job they did! It involved research on the rain forest, identifying various species of monkeys, picking out material and building it and also injecting his own story line. The monkeys playing tag, the “friendly” harpy eagle with the monkey and the Howler Monkey chasing food.

What is a post without a few of my photos? I took pics of the cast for the play and have a few to share…

hee hee…don’t you love that face?