With the nice weather last weekend, it was great to be out taking some photos. Currently, the only ones I have started proofing are the indoor ones so mom + dad will have to wait a bit for the rest. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy these for your sneak peek.
The session was with two boys- a three month old big baby boy 🙂 and his four year old brother, both of them absoultely adorable! It was challenging to get them both together with the baby not quite sitting up and being a bit heavy for big brother. Although, he did a great job in some of the pics we got! And we had the greatest playdate with his dinosaurs…can you tell he is a collector?

Such a happy little three-month old guy!

adding one more that I loved. Wheeeeeee……..

by alpana
Heather - These are FANTASTIC!!! You really have quite the artistic eye!!!
Michele - I can’t believe I haven’t commented before, but I love your work. Truly. I do. All of it. Wonderful job!
Michelle - wow. those are fabulous. so much personality and that last one is too sweet!
Ashley - Oh, just wonderful moments! Really beautiful work!
Lisa - First, what an ADORABLE baby! Those wide bright eyes! That hair!
I love how perfectly you captured big brother at this age. My son is so much like that, and I need to have those “everyday” moments captured this beautifully so they won’t ever be forgotten.
jessica - These are so great! The second one down is priceless…beautiful work all around 🙂
Rashmi - Pictures of both the kids are adorable; each capturing the innocence/beauty at their respective ages.
I do like the last one you’ve added…it is so cute.
Amber - These are all so cute, you captured the m beautifully!
Deanna - LOVe this…its so fun when kids just get to be kids, and we get to capture them doing it!