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Join Earth Hour 2009…


by simply switching off your lights for an hour between 8.30-9.30 pm on Saturday, March 28th, 2009. I just found out through my son’s school and thought this is a pretty cool idea. This is the first time people all over the globe will use their light switch as a vote. Check out the Earth Hour website for more info and join the world for Earth Hour.

Want to recycle your e-waste? If you have Computer Monitors, TV’s, Cell phones sitting in your garage that you need to dispose off in an eco friendly way this is your opportunity. On the weekend of the 24th and 25th March, various facilities in the east bay area are recycling electronics for FREE. Check out the Greenlight Recylcing Website for a location near you.

drollgirl - oh, i have a TON of old computer stuff to recycle. thank you for the reminder!!!!