A quick post to say that I am am alive and well 🙂 However, I am still recovering from our trip with a cough + cold and slowly getting back to the routine. Time flew by visiting family and friends. The great thing about going back and meeting old friends is that you can pick up where you left off years back. I met some of my kindergarten friends (some visiting back at the same time) and my old art college friends. It was great to see how well everyone is doing in their respective careers. Mr R. had a great time and has promised to go back and let me take some more pictures. Heh…he is starting to get interested in taking pictures. I didn’t get as many pictures as I hoped and most were rushed snapshots but such is life in the bustling city of Mumbai. It was good to see that things were back to normal after the terror attacks in December. I didn’t get to visit any of the sites and take pictures as I hoped to but we did go to one old cafe where I bribed R with a chocolate cake so I could do a quick session.
To those clients that have been patiently waiting for proofs, I will be in touch soon. I will be booking limited sessions starting February so please email me if you are interested. My email has ben down off and on so if you don’t get a response in 24 hours please call me or send an email through the contact us section on my website that gets routed to a different address.
Happy New Year!

by alpana
neeta.s - my favourite boy- so cute and always so expressive !