This was supposed to be my quick post before I left for India. In my last minute rush, it didn’t quite get published but I wanted to still post it to share the photos of my family from our last trip. The holidays are so much about seeing family and spending that quality time with them. I was excited as this would be the first time we would be in India for Christmas in so many years and looking forward to celebrating the holiday with my sister-in-law that celebrates it. Rowan sent his list to Santa and on his list were several Star Wars toys….lucky for him they were rerouted to Mumbai. 🙂 Oops, Santa did do an early delivery with a few goodies out here too!
The photos were taken at the Mangeshi temple in Goa with my parents. Heh, they don’t necessarily like their photos taken but there is no getting away from me 🙂

by alpana
Paula - Welcome back Alpana, Happy New Year! You may not have gotten a smile in these photos but the one of Rowan in the paarables section of your website is positively beautiful.