As the year draws to a close and you are getting ready to send in the last of your donations to your favorite charity here is a little something for you. I thought it would be great to support the various causes dear to your heart and return the favor for your thoughtfulness.
I will be leaving for India shortly and while going through my things I found a few items I had collected through my travels. I thought it would be fun to give those away to those of you that are able to make donations to your favorite charity. The rules are simple…donate $15 or more to your favorite charity and email me a receipt from your donation. You can pick any of the items below and I will ship them out to you once I confirm your donation. Please be sure to email me to verify if the item is still available.
I am leaving for India in a week so the latest I will be able to ship out will be by Wed, 17th so please be sure to email me soon. If you are unable to make the donation please visit Care2 where you can make free clicks to donate!
You probably have your own favorite charities but I wanted to mention a few. A plug for my brother Abodh’s charity The Welfare of Stray Dogs, a non-profit that he runs in India. A few others I have supported are Doctors without Borders, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Idex, Susan G Komen for the Cure, Akanksha, and local orgs: Project OpenHand, Davis Street Shelter. On a side note, when I first started my business, I did a photo shoot for Davis Street Shelter. One of the patrons, I photographed was an older gentleman called Dale that I got to talk to during our session. Recently, Dawn my contact there got in touch with me to see if I could make prints of his photos for his grandkids. Dale is seriously ill with cancer and had a recent heart attack and not doing too well. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts.

Here are some of the products…
Tantra T-Shirt. 100% Cotton, Large

Fab India Kid’s Shirts worn on Jeans. I adore their clothes and have to get some on every trip. 100% cotton, soft and comfy. There is one photo to show the open shirt and the rest look exactly the same. Please check sizes on the shirt labels.

Can’t remember where I got these but it was most likely at a little shop in Delhi. Silk Cushion covers with cotton backing. 16 x 16″ with open back in a set of two. No inserts