I knew this was going to be a fun shoot when I met the mama for the first time! We went through her clothing choices for her little girl and I was really excited. FYI, when a client books a regular session, I am available for help with clothing choices if you need it. I send out a fabulous clothing guide to all clients that book a shoot (regular or mini) and for a regular session and am happy to do a pre-consult if needed. When I saw the clothes, I thought it would be fun to have an urban shoot and mom was all for it. We went back and forth with a few location choices to settle on an area. Eventually, we ended up doing a few spots in the area including one I found by chance during the shoot. I love scouting locations to find unique spots.
The siblings were 16 month old baby R and 4.5 year old R. They were quite the opposite with one being pretty active and the other not which always makes for a challenging shoot! The beauty of it is that things don’t have to be perfect…I try to capture life as I see it which is far from perfect 🙂 I loved how the shots turned out. I have several more to proof that I won’t get to share now but might at a later day.
Meet the siblings…this pic cracks me up!
Little Miss R on her trike

And the handsome Mr. R. This little guy reminded me of my son. The little things that he said were just like deja vu. Check these out…Gap model, don’t you think?

by alpana
Kye - Wow, stunning. I’m R and R’s proud father, and you have done an incredible job capturing the spirit and personalities of my kids. Thank you and I can’t wait to see the rest…
Alyssa Anne - Oh, wow! These are wonderful portraits…love the processing!
cherie yost - what cute kids! I love the last one!
ashley - These are awesome! Great captures and love the colors!
Kimberly Kyle - Awesome work!! Absolutely gorgeous kids.
Kristi - Alpana these are just spectacular!
marie - what awesome clothes they had on…love all the expressions you got.