It seems that overnight my little man is a huge Star Wars fan. He gets it from my husband and now at five, he seems to know so many more of the characters than I do. I saw the trilogy years back but haven’t kept up with the trivia so I am getting quite an education about the strormtroopers, droids, (good and bad), Darth Maul, and more. He came back with this awesome Star Wars: Visual Dictonary and it is a wonderful resource if you have a child that is interested in Star Wars. Stay tuned for our Star Wars costume pick for Halloween 🙂
So the long and short of this post, was our playdate with another Star Wars fan and also a fellow photographer’s son. Pam and I got together thinking we’d see the new Star Wars movie and discovered it would be out later this month. So the next best thing was a shoot out with the kiddos. Her little D was such a joy to take pictures of!

by alpana
Pammy - Awww…our little men are growing so big. Love these! I still have to work on the rest of mine.