Yes! I am a bit behind schedule in posting and keeping up with the blog. You know that feeling of being swamped and a week of vacation can easily do that to you. Also, my son starts Kindergarden in a week and half which we are excited about. I am hoping to catch up in the coming week and will be in touch about your galleries. These are from mini-sessions a few weeks back. Enjoy your sneak peek!
First up… Five year old E and his baby brother. E used to go to the same preschool as my son and such a fun, energetic little guy. His little brother wouldn’t crack a smile for me but check out his cute little face. The minis are short sessions and often it does take some time to get little people (and bigger people) to be comfortable with a camera pointed at their face. But to me, it is about capturing their real expressions not a forced smile.
Can you tell he is enjoying his soft and cushy seat here? Hee hee.

I just adore this one… yep, he is looking past me.

And from the second brother session.This little guy barely fit in the basket but I loved the way it turned out.

This little two year old was full of spunk and on the go! Getting him into the wagon kept him seated just long enough to get some great pics. And dad was a big help keeping him in splits.

by alpana
Jennifer Mott - Oh, I love these too! What a great idea with the wagon!
Therese Marie - WOW that baby in a basket is AMAZING! They are all great 🙂
Kimberly Kyle - These are great! I agree…I love the true unforced expressions. Perfect!