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The golden girl


Two golden hours somewhere between sunrise and sunset. Both are set with 60 diamond minutes. No reward is offered. They are gone forever.
-Horace Mann

I had a chance to photograph this amazing little girl on our vacation in SoCal. Her mom is an amazing photographer and we got to meet up for a little beach mixr. She is such an amazing subject and actually stays put unlike my five year old distracted boy! I am still catching up on posting from recent sessions and editing photos after coming back from our vacation. I should be getting in touch with you soon if you are a client waiting on proofs or prints. 🙂

hb - amazing work, alpana! truly beautiful pictures!

Jennifer Mott - WOW!!! These are amazing!

Debi - Gorgeous!!! What a striking young lady and beautiful photos to show that!

Joyce - These are unbelievably gorgeous. Perfection!

Stefanie - these images just scream summer. they blow me away!