In the heart of the world there is a place that holds the secret names of the rocks & the trees & all the children of the earth & around it gather women & men who hold it dear & each night they stand together to keep it safe for as long as it takes til morning comes & no matter what you have been told, this will always be so, in the heart of the world.

One of the things I love best about kids is that simple things bring them so much joy. Things that we take for granted… go out there and take some pictures of your kids doing every day simple things that make them smile. Thing that are close to their heart and yours. We spent a cold afternoon at the beach with my little guy looking at crab shells, drawing hearts and running around at the beach. We got to hang out with Alex, another fabulous photographer friend visiting from the UK.
by alpana
Srilu - Hi, I came across your pictures on flickr and just thought I’d let you know that you do nice work!
Your little guy is just so handsome (those eyes!) and your pictures are inspiring. I especially love the pb set and ones from india. Makes me want to go back just to take pictures 🙂
Sherri - These are so light and fun. I love the jumping one. And gosh, he is just adorable. 😉