on our little trip away to Pismo Beach and then for a day to Monterey. Amazing how you can really get away by not having to go too far in the bay area. Though, if you had to ask my husband, he’d say a four hour drive is far enough 🙂 One of my favorite things is exploring local restaurants and we ate at Hoppe’s Bistro which features a seasonally inspired menu and a nice selection of wines from local wineries.

A good part of our Pismo stay was hanging out at the beach with one willing and one not so willing model (you can guess which one is which). I experimented with light and shadows while we dug for treasures, built and watered castles, fished out huge plankton at the beach.
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.”- Buddha quotes