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good friends


My son is fortunate to have some very good friend’s at such a young age. Looking back, I didn’t really have any special friends at his age. We played with the kid’s that lived in our appartment building in Bombay. There were no planned play dates by my parent’s and most of the kid’s we knew were the ones we had easy access to. On the other hand, my son has been in play groups from a very young age. We started with one when he was four months old and he has become friends with those kids over the years.

One of his best buddies is E. Whenever, I say R you are soooo handsome he gets mad at me and says, “Mommy, I am not. I am funny. E is handsome.” Yes, he is a handsome little man and I got a few pictures of him at their soccer class this week. We got to the class pretty early but I had a special treat to R…chocolate milk which we waited to drink at the opposite end of the soccer area so we wouldn’t have to walk back to throw away the garbage. Turned out that little E was patiently waiting for R and refusing to go play until his friend got there. What a sweet little guy.

“Good friends are like stars…. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.” -Anonymous

K - Alpana! How sweet! My little E adores R so much. And I absolutely love these photos. We are so lucky we lived on Cherrywood street. 🙂